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Access to science and innovation in the developing world
We examine the implications of lowering barriers to access to scientific publications for science and innovation in developing countries.
Alexander Cuntz* / Frank Mueller-Langer* / Alessio Muscarnera* / Prince C. Oguguo* / Marc Scheufen in Research Policy IW
Breakfast debate: How to reduce electricity prices – ideas of the Affordable Energy Act
While Member states are ultimately responsible for their energy mix; their decisions have cross-border consequences. They impact the prices at the EEX and the use and need for interconnectors. We want to take a holistic look at these dynamics and focus on the costs.
Alexander Radunz / Sandra Parthie IW

Rising social security contributions weigh on competitiveness
Germany is suffering from a loss of international competitiveness. Revitalising economic growth therefore not only requires a sustainable change of economic policy. Even in the short term, measures must be taken to revitalise public and private investment in Germany.
Michael Hüther / Thomas Obst / Jochen Pimpertz IW

More Productive with AI?: How Companies and Employees Assess its Effects on Productivity
Almost one third of all employees in Germany have had at least one new artificial intelligence (AI) application introduced at their workplace since 2022. AI is most commonly used for automatic data processing and text recognition.
Andrea Hammermann / Roschan Monsef / Oliver Stettes IW

Financing the Sustainability Agenda
Financing the necessary innovations and investments for a successful decarbonisation in the EU is challenging. The main reasons are tighter banking regulations, increased bureaucracy for loan applications and portfolio reallocations away from carbon-intensive industries.
Markus Demary / Adriana Neligan in Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies IW

An agenda for more private investment
Germany has a massive lack of investment, which dampens productivity, thereby reducing economic growth and increasingly endangering prosperity.
Markus Demary / Tobias Hentze / Jasmina Kirchhoff / Michael Voigtländer IW

Effects of the new US administration on companies in Germany
According to the latest economic survey by the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (German Economic Institute), companies in Germany primarily expect competitive disadvantages as well as trade and sales restrictions in the event of a confrontational economic policy by the new US administration.
Michael Grömling IW

Proliferation of works councils and the desire for interest representation
Works councils exist in 7 per cent of the German establishments with five and more employees. The coverage rate has fallen significantly in the long run. Non-existence of works councils is, however, not equivalent to a lack of participation by the employees.
Oliver Stettes IW

Digitalisation Index 2024: Digitalisation of the economy in Germany
The Digitalisation Index 2024 shows that the German economy has become around 14 percent more digital in the last five years. However, despite this progress, key challenges remain: The East has not been able to escape its role as the digitalisation bottom performer in the past five years.
Jan Büchel / Marc Scheufen / Barbara Engels IW
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