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Data Science Consultant
Tel: +49 221 4981-677 Mail: bolwin@iwkoeln.deSchwerpunktthema: Empirie und Methoden
Bolwin, Lennart / Schmidt, Jörg / Stettes, Oliver, 2022, Arbeitskräftebewegungen im digitalen und ökologischen Wandel, in: IW-Trends, 49. Jg., Nr. 3, S. 3-24
Zur Studie
Kuhlmann, Marianne / Wöbkenberg, Paul / Petzke, Amadeus / Schmid, Carolin / Grapatin, Christian / Poppe, Erik / Proske, Marina /Braunfels, Anna / Braun, Manuel / Herrmann, Sophie / Neligan, Adriana / Bolwin, Lennart / Fidler, Jakob / Schön, Johannes / Köhle, Klara / Lauber, Maximilian / Yen, Nhi Pham / Zielcke, Sophie, 2024, From Consumer Insight to Circular Impact Market Report of Circular Business Models in the Electronics Market in German, Market Report by Circularity e.V. in Cooperation with the German Economic Institute, Deloitte GmbH, Fraunhofer IZM and Systemiq, Berlin / Köln
Zur Studie
Electronic devices are essential in daily life, but their widespread use has led to environmental challenges. Circular business models—such as second-hand sales and rental services —are key to mitigating these effects by extending the useful life of a product or intensifying the usage.
Every year, on average, approximately every third job in Germany sees a change of occupant. However, the fluctuation coefficient, which describes turnover in the labour market, has fallen noticeably in the wake of the Covid 19 crisis – from 33.1 per cent in 2019 to 29.8 per cent in 2020.