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Economist in the Competence Center for Securing Skilled Labor (KOFA) project
Tel: +49 221 4981-419 Mail: tiedemann@iwkoeln.deResearch unit
Burstedde, Alexander / Tiedemann, Jurek, 2024, IW-Arbeitsmarktfortschreibung 2027. Aktualisierung mit Daten bis 2022 – Zuwanderung kann Alterung ausgleichen, IW-Report, Nr. 33, Köln
Zur Studie
Burstedde, Alexander / Risius, Paula / Tiedemann, Jurek / Werner, Dirk, 2023, Weiterbildungsbedarfe der Automobilbranche in der Transformation. Befragungsergebnisse aus dem IW-Zukunftspanel, Gutachten im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) für den Expertenkreis Transformation der Automobilwirtschaft (ETA), IW-Report, Nr. 56, Köln
Zur Studie
This study is the annual update of the IW labor market extrapolation with data up to 2022. The methodology is described in detail by Burstedde (2023). The update shows how employment and skilled labor shortages could develop during the next five years if the empirical trends of the last seven years were to continue. This is different from a forecast.
Due to the ecological and digital transformation, significant parts of the German economy, particularly the industrial sector, are currently undergoing a transformation. This development also extends to the automotive sector, which occupies a vital position in the German economy.