Dr. Jasmina Kirchhoff
Project Manager for Pharmaceutical Location Germany
Tel: +49 221 4981-813 Mail: Jasmina Kirchhoff- Studies in economics at the University of Bielefeld
- PhD on National Innovation Systems in Transition Countries at Bielefeld University, research stay at the Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE) at Lund University, Sweden
- Since 2009 at the IW in the cluster State, taxes and social security
- until January 2021 Senior Economist at the Research Unit Pharmaceutical Location Germany and Health Care Economy,
- since February 2021 Project Manager at the Research Unit "Pharmaceuticals in Germany
Research unit
IW Publications
Kirchhoff, Jasmina / Schumacher, Simon, 2023, Ökonomische Folgen der Energiepreiskrise am Beispiel der pharmazeutischen Industrie in Deutschland, in: IW-Trends, 50. Jg., Nr. 2, S. 97-114
Zur Studie
Kirchhoff, Jasmina / Malin, Lydia / Schumacher, Simon, 2022, Pharmaindustrie im Wandel. Fachkräftebedarfe in Zeiten transformatorischer Herausforderungen, in: IW-Trends, 49. Jg., Nr. 2, S. 97-116
Zur Studie
Kirchhoff, Jasmina, 2022, Vorleistungsverflechtungen der deutschen Pharmaindustrie im internationalen Vergleich, in: IW-Trends, 49. Jg., Nr. 1, S. 3-19
Zur Studie
Kirchhoff, Jasmina, 2021, Mehr Arzneimittel „made in Germany“ über internationale Vernetzung. Industriepolitische Handlungsempfehlungen für eine zukunftsfähige Pharmaindustrie, IW-Policy Paper, Nr. 22, Köln
Zur Studie
Pharmaausfuhren trotzen den globalen Unsicherheiten
IW-Kurzbericht 26/2019
Deutschlands Pharmaindustrie 2017/2018 – Turbulentes Jahr 2017, gedämpfte Aussichten für 2018
IW-Report 42/2018
(in cooperation with Anastasia Diel)
Gibt es einen Fachkräfteengpass in der deutschen Pharmaindustrie?
IW-Trends 3/2018
Die pharmazeutische Industrie in Deutschland – Ein Branchenportrait
4. Auflage des Branchenportraits
(in cooperation with Christian Rusche)
Versandhandel – Keine Bedrohung für den Apothekenmarkt
IW-Kurzbericht 15/2018
(in cooperation with Anastasia Diel)
Geringe Dynamik im Inlandsgeschäft
IW-Report 36/2017
Robuste Entwicklung trotz steigender Unsicherheit
IW-Kurzbericht 70/2017
Exportschlager Gesundheit – Wachstumstreiber Schwellenländer?
IW-Report 6/2017
Pharmaindustrie in Deutschland – Positive Entwicklung in 2015
IW-Report 15/2016
Musterpräsentation - Daten und Fakten der Pharmaindustrie
Pharmastandort Deutschland, 2016
Regionale Beschäftigungsstruktur wissensintensiver Industrien am Beispiel der Pharmabranche
IW-Trends 3/2014
Wissensbasis und regionale Agglomeration – Zwei Pharmacluster im Vergleich
IW-Trends 4/2012
(in cooperation with Jochen Pimpertz)
Gesundheitswesen – Wachstumsmotor mit Fragezeichen
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (Hrsg.): Wirtschaftswachstum?! – Warum wir wachsen sollten und warum wir wachsen können, IW-Studien, Köln 2012, S. 131–147
Beschäftigungsstrukturen in hochinnovativen Branchen
IW-Trends 4/2010
Die forschenden Pharma-Unternehmen im Konjunkturverlauf
IW-Trends 1/2010
(in cooperation with Anastasia Diel)
Daten und Fakten: Die deutsche Pharmaindustrie
Musterpräsentation im Auftrag des Verbands der forschenden Pharma-Unternehmen (vfa)
(in cooperation with Anastasia Diel)
Daten und Fakten der Pharmaindustrie in Baden-Württemberg
Studie für den vfa, 2018
(in cooperation with Anastasia Diel)
Daten und Fakten der Pharmaindustrie in Berlin
Studie für den vfa, 2018
(in cooperation with Anastasia Diel)
Daten und Fakten der Pharmaindustrie in NRW
Studie für den vfa, 2018
(in cooperation with Anastasia Diel)
Daten und Fakten der Pharmaindustrie in Hessen
Studie für den vfa, 2018
(in cooperation with Anastasia Diel)
Daten und Fakten der Pharmaindustrie in Rheinland-Pfalz
Studie für den vfa, 2018
(in cooperation with Jochen Pimpertz)
Bewährtes schützt Vertraulichkeit und schafft Vertrauen
Forschungsstelle Pharmastandort Deutschland, Ordnungspolitisches Statement, 2016
Die pharmazeutische Industrie in Deutschland
Forschungsstelle Pharmastandort Deutschland, 3. Auflage des Branchenportraits, 2015
External Publications
Internationalization of Innovation Systems – Lessons from Eastern Europe
Kovac, Hamburg 2009, 395 Seiten (Euro-Wirtschaft: Studien zur ökonomischen Entwicklung Europas, 35), Zugl.: Univ., Diss., Bielefeld, 2009
The Applicability of the Concept of National Innovation Systems to Transition Economies
Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, Issue 1, Vol. 9, 2007
National Innovation Systems in Transition Countries – The Impact of Institutional Organization and Change
Paper for the DRUID Tenth Anniversary Summer Conference, 2005
More from Dr. Jasmina Kirchhoff
The Economic Consequences of the Energy Price Crisis as Exemplified by the Pharmaceutical Industry in Germany
The halting of the Russian gas supply is threatening the attractiveness of Germany as an industrial location. Not only has the energy price crisis led to significantly increased producer prices in the industrial sector.
Pharmaceuticals in Transition: The Need for Skilled Labour in an Era of Digital Transformation
The shortage of skilled workers is increasingly confronting companies in Germany with major challenges. In view of the demographic and transformational tasks, there is a considerable danger that this situation will exacerbate.
Where the German Pharmaceutical Industry Sources its Intermediate Inputs: An International Comparison
The Corona pandemic has led to increasing demands for the reshoring of pharmaceutical production back to Germany. A strategic dependence on non-European active ingredient and drug manufacturers is cited as an argument.
More medicines "made in Germany" via international networking
The Corona pandemic has put the German pharmaceutical industry more than ever in the focus of political and social discussions. At an unprecedented speed, pharmaceutical companies have developed and brought to market four vaccines approved in Europe – German companies have played a major role in this success.
Production Structures and Supply Chains in the German Pharmaceutical Sector
The corona pandemic has reinforced earlier calls for national sovereignty over critical technologies, with policymakers, the business world and society as a whole focusing their attention particularly on the pharmaceutical industry.
The Corona Innovation Race in Science
This report is an analysis of the scientific publications on the fight against the corona pandemic and its significance for Germany as a pharmaceutical location.
Is There a Shortage of Skilled Workers in the German Pharmaceutical Industry?
Due to its specific employment structure, the pharmaceutical industry is increasingly being affected by Germany’s widely attested labour shortage. Although in general companies in the sector are actually less affected by bottlenecks than other industries, this is no reason for complacency.
The Regional Employment Structure of Knowledge-Intensive Industries as Exemplified by the Pharmaceutical Industry
Research-intensive sectors such as pharmaceuticals are a favourite focus of regional policy thanks to their favourable growth prospects. Since, in Germany, the importance of the pharmaceutical industry for regional manufacturing centres and the range and levels of skills in the sector itself differ widely from region to region, it is particularly suitable for an analysis of how factors such as industrial structure and human capital influence the regional significance and skill structures of knowledge-intensive industries. The results of the study suggest that, when locating plants, pharmaceutical companies consider both the structure of local manufacturing and the local population’s level of education. However, other factors seem to be more important for the development of the regional employment structure.
Knowledge Base and Regional Agglomeration
A Comparison of Two Pharmaceutical Clusters