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Hüther, Michael / Bardt, Hubertus / Bähr, Cornelius / Matthes, Jürgen / Röhl, Klaus-Heiner / Rusche, Christian / Schaefer, Thilo, 2023, Industriepolitik in der Zeitenwende, IW-Policy Paper, Nr. 7, Köln / Berlin
Zur Studie
Bähr, Cornelius / Bardt, Hubertus / Neligan, Adriana, 2023, Optionen der deutschen Wirtschaft für eine sichere Rohstoffversorgung, in: IW-Trends, 50. Jg., Nr. 3, S. 67-86
Zur Studie
Bähr, Cornelius / Bardt, Hubertus, 2021, Standort Deutschland nach der Großen Koalition. Eine Bewertung mit dem IW-Standortindex, in: IW-Trends, 48. Jg., Nr. 3, S. 111-125
Zur Studie
The current debate on industrial policy vacillates between the extreme positions of an orthodoxy of rejecting state action and a naive belief in the state's ability to control structural change.
In recent years German industry has seen a rise in the risks attached to its procurement of raw materials.
The demands of digitalisation and climate protection are creating an additional need for fundamental renewal of Germany’s capital stock.
With its comprehensive review of location conditions as a basis for manufacturing companies’ investment decisions, the IW Location Index provides standard criteria for international comparisons of industrial locations.