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Head of Big Data Analytics Research Unit
Tel: +49 221 4981-747 Mail: Armin MertensResearch groups
Büchel, Jan / Engler, Jan Felix / Mertens, Armin, 2023, Gesuchte Datenkompetenzen in Deutschland, in: IW-Trends, 50. Jg., Nr. 2, S. 3-17
Zur Studie
Büchel, Jan / Mertens, Armin, 2023, Wofür Unternehmen ChatGPT einsetzen, IW-Kurzbericht, Nr. 31, Köln
Zur Studie
Mertens, Armin / Scheufen, Marc, 2024, Intellectual property and fourth industrial revolution technologies: how the patent system is shaping the future in the data-driven economy, in: European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 57, Nr. 1, pp.275-310.
Zur Studie
Eger, Thomas/ Mertens, Armin/ Scheufen, Marc, 2021, Publication Cultures and the Citation Impact of Open Access, in: Managerial and Decision Economics, early view
Zur Studie
Regulating the audit market in the European Union: who dominates, who loses?
Journal of European Public Policy, Volume 26, Issue 12, 2019, pp. 1818-1835.
(in cooperation with Christine Trampusch, Florian Fastenrath and Rebecca Wangemann)
The political economy of local government financialization and the role of policy diffusion
Regulation & Governance, 2019, online first:
(in cooperation with Franziska Pradel, Ayjeren Rozyjumayeva and Jens Wäckerle)
As the tweet, so the reply? Gender bias in digital communication with politicians
Proceedings oft he 11th ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci’19), June 30-July 3, 2019, Boston, MA, USA, pp. 193-201.
(in cooperation with Georg Wilke, Clemens Schneider, Jennifer Drach, Philipp Hillebrand and Sven Neumann)
Modellprojekt E-Carflex Business – Begleitforschung
Schlussbericht, Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie, 2017.
Using the classification system from the European Patent Office (EPO), we identify almost 600,000 patent applications for fourth industrial revolution technologies from 1986 to 2015.
Employees with data skills help companies to store, manage and use data more efficiently.
ChatGPT is currently very popular. The AI can answer questions in seconds, summarize entire texts or create programming code. On the one hand, there are many advantages for the economy and society, on the other hand, experts warn of dangers and call for regulation. It is therefore interesting to see whether and for what purposes companies are already using ChatGPT.
With the advent of electronic publishing and the Internet, the traditional business model of academic publishing, based on subscription fees paid by the readers/libraries (closed access [CA] journals), has to some extent been replaced and to some extent complemented by different types of open access (OA).
Data is an important business resource. It forms the basis for various digital technologies such as artificial intelligence or smart services. However, access to data is unequally distributed in the market. Hence, some business ideas fail due to a lack of data sources.
The COVID-19 measures of the federal and state governments have at times massively affected public life in Germany. The ban on contact has temporarily restricted the freedom to pursue a profession, the freedom of trade, compulsory education and religious freedom.
This report is an analysis of the scientific publications on the fight against the corona pandemic and its significance for Germany as a pharmaceutical location.