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Anika Jansen

Dr. Anika Jansen

Economist für Fachkräftesicherung

Tel: +49 221 4981-681
  • Bachelor of Science in Economics at the University of Cologne
  • Master of Science in International Economic Studies at Maastricht University
  • Doctorate in Economics at Maastricht University
  • Research assistant at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
  • Post-doc at the Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Since 2018 at the IW

IW Publications

Werner, Dirk / Jansen, Anika / Pierenkemper, Sarah / Hickmann, Helen / Garb, Maria, 2022, Integration durch berufliche Anerkennung für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine, IW-Report, Nr. 25, Köln
Zur Studie

Werner, Dirk / Risius, Paula / Jansen, Anika, 2021, Neue Wege oder Irrwege für den Ausbildungsmarkt? Wie die Parteien Ausbildungsangebot und -nachfrage erhöhen wollen: Eine kritische Bewertung der Parteiprogramme durch das IW, IW-Policy Paper, Nr. 21, Köln
Zur Studie


(in cooperation with Lydia Malin, Susanne Seyda, Regina Flake)
Fachkräftesicherung in Deutschland – diese Potenziale gibt es noch
Studie für das Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung (KOFA), 2019

(in cooperation with Alexander Burstedde, Annina Hering, Sarah Pierenkemper, Sibylle Stippler)
Wie Unternehmen trotz Fachkräftemangel Mitarbeiter finden
Studie des Kompetenzzentrums Fachkräftesicherung (KOFA) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Jobseite Indeed und der Zeitschrift Personalwirtschaft, 2019

(in cooperation with Regina Flake, Lydia Malin)
Wie Unternehmen Beschäftigungspotenziale von Frauen noch besser nutzen können - Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle ermöglichen Frauen den Schritt in Männerberufe
Studie für das Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung (KOFA), 2019

(in cooperation with Paula Risius, Lydia Malin, Sebastian Schirmer, Dirk Werner)
Fachkräftecheck Metall- und Elektroberufe – Analyse der Fachkräftesituation
Studie für das Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung (KOFA), 2018

(in cooperation with Paula Risius, Lydia Malin, Sebastian Schirmer, Dirk Werner)
Fachkräftecheck Metall- und Elektroberufe in Hessen – Analyse der Fachkräftesituation in Hessen
Studie für das Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung (KOFA), 2018

External Publications

(in cooperation with Pilar Pineda-Herrero)
Dual Apprenticeships in Spain – Catalonia: The Firm's Perspective
Vocations and Learning. Studies in Vocational and Professional Education

(in cooperation with A. de Grip, B. Kriechel)
The effect of choice options in training curricula on the demand for and supply of apprentices
Economics of Education Review, Vol. 57, 2017, pp. 52–65

(in cooperation with H.U. Pfeifer)
Pre-training competencies and the productivity of apprentices
Evidence-based HRM: a global forum for empirical scholarship, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2017, pp. 59–79

(in cooperation with S. Horn, N. Nguyen)
Costs and benefits of company-based training in Vietnam - Chances and limitations of applying the BIBB cost-benefit model
Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis, Vol. 3, 2016, pp. 40–43

(in cooperation with M.S. Leiser, F. Wenzelmann, S.C. Wolter
Labour market deregulation and apprenticeship training: A comparison of German and Swiss employers
European Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2015, pp. 353–368

(in cooperation with M. Neumann)
Durch Wachstum zum Wohlbefinden
WiSt-Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Vol. 43, No. 9, 2014, pp. 484–490

More from Dr. Anika Jansen

Read study
Integration through professional recognition for refugees from the Ukraine
IW-Report No. 25 19. May 2022

Integration through professional recognition for refugees from the Ukraine

Dirk Werner / Anika Jansen / Sarah Pierenkemper / Helen Hickmann / Maria Garb

Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine has triggered a wave of refugees, in the course of which many Ukrainians have already come to Germany and more are still to come. For the refugees, protection, childcare and family care are priorities.


Read study
New paths or wrong paths for the training market?
IW-Policy Paper No. 21 23. September 2021

New paths or wrong paths for the training market?

Dirk Werner / Paula Risius / Anika Jansen

Some of the demands made by the political parties in their election programs for the federal elections are specifically aimed at increasing the demand for and supply of vocational education and training. In this analysis, the measures are evaluated economically based on empirical data and previous research findings.


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Measuring the Shortage of Skilled Workers
IW-Report No. 59 21. November 2020

Measuring the shortage of skilled workers

Alexander Burstedde / Regina Flake / Anika Jansen / Lydia Malin / Paula Risius / Susanne Seyda / Sebastian Schirner / Dirk Werner

The present IW-Report introduces a new methodology for measuring the shortage of skilled workers and thus makes a central contribution to mapping the skilled worker situation in Germany. First, a definition of the term "shortage of skilled workers" is presented. Afterwards, its operationalization is discussed.


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Inclusion of People with Disabilities within Enterprises in Times of Digitization
IW-Report No. 7 25. February 2020

Inclusion of People with Disabilities within Enterprises in Times of Digitization

Christoph Metzler / Anika Jansen / Andrea Kurtenacker

Digitization has a positive influence on the inclusion of people with disabilities in German companies. Companies that already rely heavily on digitization today employ more people with disabilities than companies that currently do not have any reference to digitization.


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