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Saskia Dieke / Hagen Lesch IW-Trends No. 5 5. September 2017 A European Comparison of Trade Union Membership Structures: Results from the European Social Survey

An analysis of data from the European Social Survey for 16 European countries shows that the degree of trade union organization currently ranges between just under 5 per cent in Hungary and 69.1 percent in Denmark.

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Results from the European Social Survey
Saskia Dieke / Hagen Lesch IW-Trends No. 5 5. September 2017

A European Comparison of Trade Union Membership Structures: Results from the European Social Survey


German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

An analysis of data from the European Social Survey for 16 European countries shows that the degree of trade union organization currently ranges between just under 5 per cent in Hungary and 69.1 percent in Denmark.

At 15.6 percent Germany is in the midrange, behind the United Kingdom (20.6 percent) but ahead of France (7.3 percent). Regardless of these different levels, trade unions in all countries surveyed face the same structural challenges. They need to recruit more young workers, organize so-called "atypical" employees, such as part-time workers and temporary workers, and gain readier access to smaller businesses. One particular problem is that 16- to 30-year-olds are underrepresented among union members. Unless they can sign up more younger workers, unions will continue to see declining membership for the next few years.

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Results from the European Social Survey
Saskia Dieke / Hagen Lesch IW-Trends No. 5 5. September 2017

Saskia Dieke / Hagen Lesch: Gewerkschaftliche Mitgliederstrukturen im europäischen Vergleich


German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

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