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Senior Economist of International Economic Policy, Financial and Real Estate Markets Research Unit
Tel: +49 30 27877-135 Mail: Thomas Obst Obst, Thomas / Matthes, Jürgen / Sultan, Samina, 2024, What if Trump is re-elected? Trade policy implications, IW-Report, Nr. 14, Berlin / Köln
Zur Studie
Obst, Thomas / Stockhausen, Maximilian, 2024, Makroökonomische Analyse von Lohn-Preis-Spiralen. Risiken von Zweitrundeneffekten in der gegenwärtigen Hochinflationsphase, IW-Analyse, Nr. 155, Berlin / Köln
Zur Studie
Kolev-Schaefer, Galina / Obst, Thomas / Puls, Thomas, 2024, Auswirkungen des Nahostkonflikts auf die deutsche Wirtschaft, IW-Report, Nr. 1, Köln / Berlin
Zur Studie
Obst, Thomas / Sultan, Samina, 2023, Polen vor der Wahl – Wirtschaftsmodell im Wandel. Analyse des wirtschaftlichen Aufstiegs und der künftigen Herausforderungen, IW-Report, Nr. 51, Berlin / Köln
Zur Studie
Bardt, Hubertus/ Demary, Markus / Grömling, Michael / Hüther, Michael / Kauder, Björn / Obst, Thomas / Puls, Thomas / Schaefer, Thilo / Schäfer, Holger, 2022, IW-Konjunkturprognose Winter 2022. Konjunktur in der Grauzone, IW-Report, Nr. 67, Berlin / Köln
Zur Studie
Grömling, Michael / Koenen, Michelle / Kunath, Gero / Obst, Thomas / Parthie, Sandra, 2022, AIECE General Report Autumn 2022 Part I, IW-Report, Nr. 65, Köln / Berlin / Brüssel
Zur Studie
Kunath, Gero / Matthes, Jürgen / Obst, Thomas, 2022, Biden’s economic agenda risks mid-term elections. An analysis of Biden’s economic agenda and its effects on the American econo-my, IW-Report, Nr. 59, Köln / Berlin
Zur Studie
Koenen, Michelle / Kunath, Gero / Obst, Thomas, 2022, Europa an der Schwelle zur Rezession?, IW-Report, Nr. 40, Berlin
Zur Studie
Kolev, Galina / Obst, Thomas, 2022, Global value chains of the EU member states. Policy options in the current debate, IW-Report, Nr. 4, Köln / Berlin
Zur Studie
Bardt, Hubertus / Demary, Markus / Grömling, Michael / Hentze, Tobias / Hüther, Michael / Obst, Thomas / Pimpertz, Jochen / Schaefer, Thilo / Schäfer, Holger, 2021, IW-Konjunkturprognose Winter 2021. Produktionsstörungen, Preiseffekte und Pandemie-Politik, in: IW-Trends, 48. Jg., Nr. 4, Köln / Berlin
Zur Studie
Diermeier, Matthias / Hüther, Michael / Obst, Thomas, 2021, Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Kaum Ausgabenspielräume in der neuen Legislaturperiode. Zwischen Schuldenbremse und Steuererhöhungen, IW-Report, Nr. 33, Köln / Berlin
Zur Studie
Bardt, Hubertus / Diermeier, Matthias / Grömling, Michael / Hüther, Michael / Obst, Thomas, 2021, Lieferengpässe und Preisentwicklungen bei Rohstoffen und Vorleistungen. Corona Echo Effekte oder ‚here to stay’?, IW-Report, Nr. 27, Köln / Berlin
Zur Studie
Obst, Thomas / Schläger, Dan, 2021, Kosten-Nutzen Überlegungen zu Lockdowns – was übersehen wir?. Kosten-Nutzen Überlegungen zu Lockdowns, IW-Kurzbericht, Nr. 33, Berlin
Zur Studie
Hüther, Michael / Jung, Markos / Obst, Thomas, 2021, Chancen für Wachstum und Konsolidierung. Arbeitskräftepotenziale der deutschen Wirtschaft, IW-Policy Paper, Nr. 10, Köln
Zur Studie
Obst, Thomas, 2023, Deindustrialization in Europe – Time for a new Economic Model?, in: Institute of International Relations, National University of La Plata, Argentina,
Zur Studie
Matthes, Jürgen / Grömling, Michael / Demary, Markus / Kauder, Björn / Busch, Berthold / Kunath, Gero / Obst, Thomas, 2023, Why Price Stability Matters, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, Brussels, 83 Seiten
Zur Studie
Grömling, Michael / Koenen, Michelle / Kunath, Gero / Obst, Thomas / Parthie, Sandra, 2023, Deindustrialisation – A European Assessment, in: Intereconomics, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 209-214
Zur Studie
Obst, Thomas, 2021, Dynamic version of Okun’s law in the EU15 countries. The role of delays in the unemployment‐output nexus, in: Scottish Journal of Political Economy
Zur Studie
Obst, T., Onaran, O. and Nikolaidi, M. (2019): The effects of income distribution and fiscal policy on growth, investment and the budget balance: the case of Europe. Cambridge Journal of Economics, (in Veröffentlichung).
Onaran, O., Obst, T. (2016): Wage-led growth in the EU15 member-states. The effects of income distribution on growth, investment, trade balance and inflation. In: Cambridge Journal of Economics 40 (6), 1517–1551.
Stadtmann, G., Obst, T. (2017): Fiskalpolitik und Fiskalmultiplikator, Beitrag, in: Das Wirtschaftsstudium 46 (8-9), 979–983.
A possible re-election of Donald Trump as US president in November 2024 could entail a significant upheaval for the world trading order, if he fulfills his announcements to raise tariffs, mainly in order to reduce the US trade deficit.
The subject of this Analysis is the forms that wage-price spirals can take and how they influence macroeconomic stability and inflationary trends in Germany.
Beyond the humanitarian crisis associated with the geopolitical conflict in Israel, which affects millions of human lives, the Middle East conflict also leaves lasting marks on economic activity not only in the affected region, but also in Germany and the world as a whole. This report discusses the various ways in which the conflict is impacting the German economy.
Since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic in 2020, when the world faced a historic health crisis, countries have faced several challenges.
The war in Ukraine has exacerbated pre-existing production problems in manufacturing networks originating from the coronavirus pandemic. Material shortages are compounded by uncertainties about sufficient energy supplies.
On 15 October 2023, the Polish people will elect a new government. The outcome of this election and the further economic development of the country is also relevant for Europe and in particular for the immediate neighbouring countries, such as Germany.
This coming Sunday, Poles will elect a new government. In wake of its remarkable "Wirtschaftswunder" or economic miracle, Poland stands at a crossroads. After experiencing years of economic growth, it has the potential to achieve even greater prosperity, provided it opens up further to the world and manages to find pragmatic solutions to major conflicts with the EU.
Private households, companies and governments in Europe are facing enormous challenges. First, far-reach-ing transformations in economic life are on the horizon for the current decade and beyond. Demographic developments are exacerbating the shortages of skilled workers that already exist in many economies and reinforcing the associated obstacles to production.
President Joe Biden faces some political and economic headwinds in the upcoming U.S. midterm elections this year. Current economic challenges include historically high inflation rates and signs of an impending recession.
The European Union is facing one of its biggest crises since the financial crisis of 2008. The pandemic started in 2020 and led to a historical economic downturn in the second quarter of that year.