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Senior Economist for the Economic Analysis of Law
Tel: +49 221 4981-742 Mail: @MarcScheufenResearch unit
Scheufen, Marc, 2024, Hemmnisse beim Data Sharing – Entwicklung und Handlungsempfehlungen, in: IW-Trends,51. Jg., Nr. 2, S. 65-80
Zur Studie
(in cooperation with Christian Rusche)
Der Wolf im Schafspelz – Zur Ökonomik der EU-Urheberrechtsreform
IW-Kurzbericht 23/2019
Die Bedeutung des Urheberrechts im Zeitalter Künstlicher Intelligenz
IW-Kurzbericht 6/2019
(in cooperation with Christian Rusche)
On (Intellectual) Property and other Legal Frameworks in the Digital Economy
IW-Report 48/2018
Nicht-personenbezogene Daten – Der nächste Schritt zum digitalen Binnenmarkt
IW-Kurzbericht 72/2018
Büchel, Jan / Scheufen, Marc / Engels, Barbara, 2025, Digitalisierungsindex 2024. Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft in Deutschland, Ergebnisse des Digitalisierungsindex im Rahmen des Projekts „Entwicklung und Messung der Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft am Standort Deutschland”, Köln
Zur Studie
Büchel, Jan / Bakalis, Dennis / Scheufen, Marc, 2023, Digitalisierungsindex 2023. Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft in Deutschland, Kurzfassung der Ergebnisse des Digitalisierungsindex im Rahmen des Projekts „Entwicklung und Messung der Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft am Standort Deutschland“ im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK), Köln
Zur Studie
(in cooperation with Vera Demary, Barbara Engels, Manuel Fritsch, Henry Goecke, Alevtina Krotova, Christian Rusche, Christopher Thiele, Karl Lichtblau, Edgar Schmitz, Boris Otto, Tobias Korte, Can Azkan, Markus Spiekermann, Dominik Lis, Joshua Gelhaar, Lennart Iggenna, Lukas Maisel, Bernd Trautmann, Jens Fiedler, Osianoh Aliu, Pascal Bresser, Nils Müller)
Data Economy. Status quo der deutschen Wirtschaft & Handlungsfelder in der Data Economy
Studie für das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi), 2019
Mertens, Armin / Scheufen, Marc, 2024, Intellectual property and fourth industrial revolution technologies: how the patent system is shaping the future in the data-driven economy, in: European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 57, Nr. 1, pp.275-310.
Zur Studie
Eger, Thomas / Scheufen, Marc, 2024, The Law and Economics of the Data Economy: Introduction to the Special Issue, in: European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 57, No.1, pp. 93-111.
Zur Studie
Eger, Thomas / Scheufen, Marc (Hrsg.), 2024, Special Issue: The Law and Economics of the Data Economy, in: European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 57, Nr. 1-2, pp. 93-310, Springer Nature, Heidelberg
Zur Studie
Cuntz, Alexander / Mueller-Langer, Frank / Muscarnera, Alessio / Oguguo, Prince C. / Scheufen, Marc, 2024, Open Science as a Means for Development Aid. Fostering Scientific Research and Innovation, in: The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as VoxEU Column,
Zur Studie
Cuntz, Alexander / Mueller-Langer, Frank / Muscarnera, Alessio / Oguguo, Prince C. /Scheufen, Marc, 2024, Access to science and innovation in the developing world, in: The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Economic Research Working Paper, No.78
Zur Studie
Eger, Thomas / Scheufen, Marc (Hrsg.), 2021, Economic Perspectives on the Future of Academic Publishing, Special Issue in Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 42, Issue 8, pp. 1919-2049
Zur Studie
Eger, Thomas/ Mertens, Armin/ Scheufen, Marc, 2021, Publication Cultures and the Citation Impact of Open Access, in: Managerial and Decision Economics, early view
Zur Studie
(in cooperation with Frank Mueller-Langer, Patrick Waelbroeck)
Does Online Access Promote Research in Developing Countries? Empirical Evidence from Article-Level Data
Research Policy, 2020
Angewandte Mikroökonomie und Wirtschaftspolitik. Mit einer Einführung in die ökonomische Analyse des Rechts
Springer/Gabler Verlag, 2. Auflage, 2020
(in cooperation with Christian Rusche)
Sinn und Unsinn der EU-Urheberrechtsreform
Ifo Schnelldienst, 72. Jg., Heft 13, 2019, S. 3–5
Künstliche Intelligenz und Haftungsrecht – die e-Person aus ökonomischer Sicht
Wirtschaftsdienst, 99. Jg., Heft 6, 2019, S. 411–414
(in cooperation with Frank Mueller-Langer, Patrick Waelbroeck)
Does Online Access Promote Research in Developing Countries? Empirical Evidence from Article-Level Data
JRC working paper, 2018
(in cooperation with Thomas Eger)
The Economics of Open Access. On the Future of Academic Publishing
Angewandte Mikroökonomie und Wirtschaftspolitik. Mit einer Einführung in die ökonomische Analyse des Rechts
Springer/Gabler Verlag, 2017
(in cooperation with Eberhard Feess)
Academic Copyright in the Publishing Game: A Contest Perspective
European Journal of Law and Economics, 42(2), 2016, pp. 263–294
(in cooperation with Thomas Eger, Daniel Meierrieks)
The Determinants of Open Access Publishing: Survey Evidence from the Mediterranean Open Access Network (MedOANet)
Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 43(4), 2016, pp. 463–489
(in cooperation with Thomas Eger, Daniel Meierrieks)
The Determinants of Open Access Publishing: Survey Evidence from Germany European Journal of Law and Economics, 39(3), 2015, pp. 475–503
Copyright versus Open Access: On the Organisation and International Political Economy of Access to Scientific Knowledge
Cham et al.: Springer International Publishing, 2015
(in cooperation with Frank Mueller-Langer)
Academic Publishing and Open Access
Handke and Towse (Hrsg.): Handbook of the Digital Creative Economy, 2013, pp. 365–377
(in cooperation with Thomas Eger)
The Past and the Future of Copyright Law: Technological Change and Beyond
De Mot (Hrsg.): Liber Amicorum Boudewijn Bouckaert, de Keuren, 2012, pp. 37–65
(in cooperation with Thomas Eger)
Das Urheberrecht im Zeitenwandel: Von Gutenberg zum Cyberspace
Mueller et al. (Hrsg.): Ökonomik als allgemeine Theorie menschlichen Verhaltens, Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft, Band 94, 2012, pp. 15–179
(in cooperation with Frank Mueller-Langer)
Die ökonomische Analyse geistiger Eigentumsrechte
WiSt-Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, March 2011, pp. 137–142
(in cooperation with Frank Mueller-Langer)
The Google Book Search Settlement: A Law and Economics Analysis
Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues (RERCI), 8(1), 2011, pp. 7–50
(in cooperation with Chirstoph Grimpe)
Wie werthaltig sind Übernahmegerüchte
M&A Review, 5/2009, pp. 211-216
The Digitalisation Index 2024 shows that the German economy has become around 14 percent more digital in the last five years. However, despite this progress, key challenges remain: The East has not been able to escape its role as the digitalisation bottom performer in the past five years.
Using the classification system from the European Patent Office (EPO), we identify almost 600,000 patent applications for fourth industrial revolution technologies from 1986 to 2015.
This article intends to provide a framework to better understand the economic problems and legal challenges resulting from the transition of the European economy to a data economy.
This special issue on “The Law and Economics of the Data Economy” for the “European Journal of Law and Economics” collects 8 contributions from 15 authors of 7 countries (Belgium, Hungary, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland and USA).
The increasing networking of production processes and the ability of artificial intelligence to analyse ever larger amounts of data offer enormous potential for the German economy. To exploit this potential fully, however, data must be shared.
Access to prior scientific works and technical information is key to the emergence of new scientific knowledge and innovation (Moser and Biasi 2018, Nagler et al. 2019).
We examine the implications of lowering barriers to online access to scientific publications for science and innovation in developing countries.
The digitalisation of the economy in Germany continues to stagnate in 2023: the digitalisation index score is 108.6 points in 2023 compared to 110.5 points in 2022. After the sharp rise in 2021, the development of digitalisation since then can be described as more of a lateral or sideways movement.
In this special issue of "Managerial and Decision Economics" we collect eight papers from 16 authors from nine countries (Belgium, Canada, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA)) analyzing the future of academic publishing from an economics perspective, dealing with (A) academic publishing and measurement of academic performance, (B) the comparison of the open versus closed access publishing regime from a social welfare perspective and (C) recent policy attempts towards the future of academic publishing in the digital world.
With the advent of electronic publishing and the Internet, the traditional business model of academic publishing, based on subscription fees paid by the readers/libraries (closed access [CA] journals), has to some extent been replaced and to some extent complemented by different types of open access (OA).