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Tel: +49 221 4981-752 Mail: Potthoff@iwkoeln.deResearch groups
Nußbaum, Chiara / Potthoff, Jennifer, 2024, Influencer – Macht, Marketing und Manipulation, IW-Report, Nr. 43, Köln
Zur Studie
Potthoff, Jennifer, 2023, Green Nudging – a key against littering? Behavioral economic measures for cleaner cities, IW-Policy Paper, Nr. 10, Köln
Zur Studie
Enste, Dominik H. / Potthoff, Jennifer, 2023, Behavioral Economics in Companies. Nudging green behavior, IW-Report, Nr. 26, Köln
Zur Studie
Enste, Dominik H. / Hensen, Julia / Potthoff, Jennifer, 2023, Hilft Nudging in der Krise?. Verhaltensökonomische Maßnahmen für freiheitswahrendes Energiesparen, IW-Policy Paper, Nr. 2, Köln
Zur Studie
Küper, Malte / Potthoff, Jennifer, 2022, Wie Haushalte Gas sparen können, IW-Report, Nr. 45, Köln
Zur Studie
Enste, Dominik H. / Potthoff, Jennifer, 2021, Behavioral Economics and Climate Protection. Better regulation and green nudges for more sustainability, IW-Analyse, Nr. 146, Köln
Zur Studie
The creator economy is a rapidly growing industry that, according to forecasts, will continue to gain influence and increase sales in the coming years. With advertising deals and collaborations, influencers in particular not only generate high sales, but also have power over opinions and influence the consumer behavior of their followers.
The demand for cleanliness in cities is increasing: "Littering" - the illegal littering of public spaces - does not only cause costs for the environment and society, but also has significant financial consequences through increased cleaning costs.
Climate change, the finite nature of natural resources, a growing world population and the quest for prosperity challenge society and policy to act responsibly and sustainably. The debate on climate change and the upcoming energy transition was recently intensified by the Ukrainian war.
In view of the impending gas shortage, private households are called upon to reduce their gas and energy consumption. The moral appeals of those in power harbor the danger that people will react with reactance instead of the desired change in behavior.
In view of the current gas emergency, all consumers are urged to reduce their gas consumption. High prices are seen as the most effective incentive to save gas.
Protecting the climate is one of the greatest challenges our society is currently facing. In view of the heated political and social discussions surrounding this topic, the question naturally arises as to whether behavioral-economic insights can be used to sensitize German society to the dangers of climate change and to motivate it towards more sustainability.
This research work is intended to analyze the economic consequences and ethical challenges that are caused by the coronavirus pandemic and to predict whether one can find a balance within the arising conflict of interest between economy, health and ethics. The solution strategies of Germany, Sweden and South Korea will be compared in order to evaluate different types of crisis management and to finally derive possible lessons from the crisis.