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3k Transformation

3k personalberatung GmbH (3k Transformation) has been offering 20 years of concentrated experience on the topic of transformation & behavioral change for companies. We know that change requires behavioral change at the organizational and team level

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Are you ready for a behavioral strategy?

The situation is serious. The business strategy to transform your company is up and running, but you are stuck in chaos and resistance from your employees?   Corporate change only works if you change your behavior simultaneously. 3k provides a People Transformation Strategy to accompany your change process, which will positively impact the behavior of your employees, step by step.

We develop behavior strategies

Is your future strategy a never-ending construction site?

We develop the appropriate behavioral strategy based on your business strategy; shape your vision and the respective People Transformation Story together with you.

We guide leaders

Do you feel nervous during change processes?

We will strengthen your role as a leader and help you position yourself in a way that your employees can move forward in an oriented, meaningful and courageous way.

We encourage teams

Emotions are not really your business?

Within the scope of our change formats we offer your employees a strong shoulder and create synergies. We manage emotions, create space for people’s needs and overcome behavioral blockages.

We deliver behavioral concepts

Ideas and strategy are one thing, realization is another!

We turn theory into living practice. With our established product portfolio, we implement your behavioral strategy in a purposeful and striking way.

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Kerstin Karuschkat

Kerstin Karuschkat

Transformation Manager and Managing Director

Tel: +49 228 971447-0 Kerstin Karuschkat
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