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Aljoscha Nau Event 17. November 2020 European Champions: How to Shape Future Industrial Policy and Champion Global Competition?

In times of COVID-19, digital- and sustainable transformations and increased foreign competition, European industry is under pressure from within and outside. Simultaneously, European companies are confronted with the rise of China on global markets and fierce competition from Chinese state-subsidized enterprises or SOEs. In the light of these challenges, the calls for new European Champions have grown louder and louder over the past two years.

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17. Nov
Aljoscha Nau Event 17. November 2020

European Champions: How to Shape Future Industrial Policy and Champion Global Competition?

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German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

In times of COVID-19, digital- and sustainable transformations and increased foreign competition, European industry is under pressure from within and outside. Simultaneously, European companies are confronted with the rise of China on global markets and fierce competition from Chinese state-subsidized enterprises or SOEs. In the light of these challenges, the calls for new European Champions have grown louder and louder over the past two years.

What role should the EU play in industrial policy making? Is it sufficient for the EU to ‘only’ ensure a level playing field or set the right framework conditions for European companies? Or do we ultimately need a pro-active industrial policy that promotes European Champions?

We kindly invite you to join our online conference and to discuss these questions with

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Kerstin Jorna, Director-General of the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Dr. Angelika Niebler, Member of the European Parliament, EPP Group
Jürgen Matthes, Senior Economist, German Economic Institute (IW)
Lasse Hamilton Heidemann, Head of EU- and International Affairs, Danish Chamber of Commerce

Discussion and Q&A, commented and chaired by
Aljoscha Nau, European Affairs Analyst & Coordinator, German Economic Institute (IW)

The discussion will be in English. Please find all further details in the attached programme.

We kindly ask you to register via this LINK. We look forward to welcoming you at this event.

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Online-Event via Zoom: European Champions - How to shape future industrial policy and champion global competition?


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