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Data economy and data spaces
Vera Demary im Liberal Europe Podcast Liberal Europe 8. April 2022

Data economy and data spaces

Data economy, data spaces, and economic and cybersecurity threats that arise from this kind of mass data collection are discussed by Ricardo Silvestre (Movimento Liberal Social) and IW-Head of Digitisation Research Vera Demary.


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The cyber spillovers of the Ukrainian war
Vera Demary at EURACTIV EURACTIV 4. March 2022

The cyber spillovers of the Ukrainian war

Cyberattacks are hardly limited to one country in an interconnected world. We discuss the impact of Russian cyberattacks against Ukraine on European companies with dr Vera Demary, head of digitalization at the German economic institute, and Iva Tasheva, cybersecurity consultant at CyEn.


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[Translate to Englisch:] IW-Digitalisierungsexpertin Vera Demary
Vera Demary at EURACTIV EURACTIV 25. October 2021

China’s digital policy and the impact on European businesses

China has pursued an aggressive agenda on a number of digital issues. IW digitization expert Vera Demary discusses China's strategy for regulating the technology sector and its impact on European companies with EURACTIV.


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A Cloud of Uncertainty
Michael Hüther at the American Council on Germany Video 30. April 2021

A Cloud of Uncertainty

Despite great approval in parliament, the Federal Constitutional Court stopped the 750 billion Euro EU Corona Reconstruction Fund for the time being due to a constitutional complaint. In a video interview for ACGUSA, IW Director Michael Hüther discusses the consequences of this decision with economist Monika Schnitzer from the University of Munich.


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The economic impacts
Hubertus Bardt in a podcast of CEDA Audio 13. May 2020

Germany's response to COVID19: The economic impacts

What are the economic consequences of the Corona crisis and how does the opening of the country in Germany go compared to the Australian plans? IW Managing Director Hubertus Bardt talks about this in a podcast with CEDA – the Committee for Economic Development of Australia.


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Is Reopening Economies a Risky Move?
Hubertus Bardt on Al Jazeera News Video 21. April 2020

Is Reopening Economies a Risky Move?

For many, the prospect the world may be returning to normal is a relief. But health experts say relaxing too much, too soon, could trigger a second wave of infections. So what are the risks? And can such a move soften the financial impact of the pandemic?


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IW-Direktor Michael Hüther
Michael Hüther Audio 20. November 2019

Exhausted Globalization

Ilaria Maselli, senior economist for Europe at The Conference Board, talks with Michael Hüther about his latest book „Exhausted Globalization”: Between the Transatlantic Orientation and the Chinese Way". The book is a thorough reflection about the downturn globalization is going through. It investigates the reasons why globalization is losing energy and appeal, and sketches possible ways to make it more inclusive.


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IW-Direktor Michael Hüther
Michael Hüther in The Zeitgeist Audio 8. March 2019

Competing Visions for a New Era of Globalization

In this episode of The Zeitgeist, Michael Hüther, Director of the German Economic Institute, joined AICGS President Jeff Rathke and Senior Fellow Peter Rashish to talk about what Hüther calls the end of the second era of globalization and the challenges of shaping the third era of globalization, creating a European and an international framework that is politically sustainable and economically effective.


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The poorer regions are not catching up anymore
Matthias Diermeier / Markos Jung / Pekka Sagner Interactive Graphic 18. May 2018

Convergence in Europe: The poorer regions are not catching up anymore

Before the economic crisis, European regions with low economic output per inhabitant grew faster than the wealthier ones. The living conditions on the continent became more similar. Since 2010, however, the process of catching-up has been stopped.


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A lot of recycling, but also much waste in economically strong Germany
Adriana Neligan Interactive Graphic 11. April 2018

A lot of recycling, but also much waste in economically strong Germany

In the European Union 482 kg of municipal waste is generated per person. In Germany it is even more, but at the same time considerably more German waste is recycled.


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