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Data Science Consultant
Tel: +49 221 4981-576 Mail: Kestermann, Christian / Lesch, Hagen / Stettes, Oliver, 2022, Betriebsratswahlen 2022. Ergebnisse der IW-Betriebsratswahlbefragung, in: IW-Trends, 49. Jg., Nr. 4, S. 63-83
Zur Studie
Lesch, Hagen / Kestermann, Christian, 2019, Tarifpolitischer Bericht 1. Halbjahr 2019: Viele Warnstreiks, lange Laufzeiten, IW-Report, Nr. 30, Köln
Lesch, Hagen / Stettes, Oliver / Kestermann, Christian, 2019, Betriebsratswahlen 2018: Ergebnisse der IW-Betriebsratswahlbefragung, in: IW-Trends, Jg. 45, Nr. 4, S. 79-94
Lesch, Hagen / Kestermann, Christian, 2019, Tarifpolitischer Halbjahresbericht 2. Halbjahr 2018: Vielfach stockende Verhandlungen, IW-Report, Nr. 5, Köln
Works councils receive strong backing from the workforces they represent. Nevertheless, the drop in turnout reported in the IW Works Council Election Survey 2022 suggests that this support is declining.
There are currently loud calls for an increase in the minimum wage to 12 euros to ensure that it adequately covers the cost of living. However, the net income of a single person working full-time at the present minimum wage is already very close to the at-risk-of-poverty threshold.