Judith Freisburger
Consultant for personnel issues at the Competence Center for Skilled Workforce Development
Tel: +49 221 4981-855 Mail: At IW since 2021
- Studied economics at the University of Cologne and at the Distance Learning University of Hagen
Research unit
IW Publications
Hammermann, Andrea / Lehr, Judith / Burstedde, Alexander, 2022, HR Analytics. Anwendungsfelder und Erfolgsfaktoren, Studie in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Expertenkreis: Markus Dohm (TÜV Rheinland), Jörg Friedrich (VDMA), Hans-Peter Klös (IW), Christian Lorenz (DGFP), Hans Jürgen Metternich (Evonik), Andreas Ogrinz (BAVC), Christian Vetter (HRForecast), IW-Report, Nr. 28, Köln
Zur Studie
More from Judith Freisburger
HR Analytics: Fields of application and success factors
In this study, the term HR analytics is used to describe data-based decision-making in HR, whereby the transitions from classic HR controlling to HR analytics, in which various data sources are combined to identify interdependencies and make predictions, are fluid. The study provides an overview of the potential of HR analytics and the success factors for its introduction and use.