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  4. XI. Scientific Conference: The „Great Transformation”: New Rules of the Game?
Dominik Enste Event 4. May 2022 XI. Scientific Conference: The „Great Transformation”: New Rules of the Game?

Already before the Ukrainian War, Transformation seems to be everywhere. Almost 50 times it has been mentioned in the New „Ampel” Coalition Treaty of November 2021.

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4. May
Dominik Enste Event 4. May 2022

XI. Scientific Conference: The „Great Transformation”: New Rules of the Game?

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German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

Already before the Ukrainian War, Transformation seems to be everywhere. Almost 50 times it has been mentioned in the New „Ampel” Coalition Treaty of November 2021.

Germany and Europe are embedded in a worldwide economy which is transforming towards more sustainability, decarbonisation and digitization. The war adds resilience and more strategic autonomy on the To Do-list of Western Democracies. This could be the right time to look forward on longer lines and current challenges for Political Economy in Europe and Germany.

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Dominik Enste Event

XI. Scientific Conference: The „Great Transformation”: New Rules of the Game?

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