The Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance (GTIPA) is a global network of 34 independent, like-minded think tanks from 25 nations throughout the world that believe trade, globalization, and innovation—conducted on market-led, rules-based terms—maximize welfare for the world’s citizens.

National Innovation Policies: What Countries Do Best and How They Can Improve
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
The Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance (GTIPA) is a global network of 34 independent, like-minded think tanks from 25 nations throughout the world that believe trade, globalization, and innovation—conducted on market-led, rules-based terms—maximize welfare for the world’s citizens.
This report summarizes what 23 nations and the European Union are doing best in innovation policy, and where they have the greatest room for improvement. For Germany you will find short information about strengths like 1. High Expenditures in Research and Development and Patent Activities 2. Vocational Training System 3. Strong Medium High-Tech Industries With Close Cooperation With Public Research and weeknesses in 1. No Research and Development Tax Deduction, Low Patenting Activities in Digitization 2. Lack of STEM Professionals 3. Lack of Start-Ups.

Axel Plünnecke in: National Innovation Policies –What Countries Do Best and How They Can Improve
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

Innovation durch Kooperation: Wie Mittelstand und Start-ups in der Automobilbranche zusammenarbeiten
Die Innovationsherausforderungen für Industrieunternehmen nehmen in ihrer Komplexität zu. Neben der Produktentwicklung steigen die Anforderungen an elektronische Hard- und Software, Vernetzung und Automatisierung, den Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz sowie ...
MINT-Herbstreport 2024: MINT-Förderung – Der Schlüssel zu Innovation und Wachstum
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