The new economics of geography raises questions of whether inequality within countries and between nations within the EU in terms of (local) attractiveness, well-being and economic performance may be rising.
IX. Scientific Conference together with the MPIfG: Regional Disparities and Inequality as Challenges for Social Cohesion?
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
The new economics of geography raises questions of whether inequality within countries and between nations within the EU in terms of (local) attractiveness, well-being and economic performance may be rising.
If so, this tends to challenge exist-ing political structures, voting behaviour and the acceptance of change due to digi-talisation and increasing uncertainty. How could these different developments in our societies and within the EU be managed? How could social cohesion and social capital be strengthened? How can collective goods still be supplied? How important are housing, regional development and infrastructure enablers? What are similari-ties, what are differences between approaches of economists and sociologists in dealing with these topics?
IX. Scientific Conference: Regional Disparities and Inequality as Challenges for Social Cohesion?
IX. Scientific Conference: Regional Disparities and Inequality as Challenges for Social Cohesion?
Influencer – Macht, Marketing und Manipulation
Die Creator Economy ist eine rasant wachsende Branche, die laut Prognosen in den nächsten Jahren weiter an Einfluss gewinnen und Umsatzsteigerungen erzielen wird. Mit Werbedeals und Kooperationen generieren vor allem Influencer nicht nur hohe Umsätze, sondern ...
Nachhaltigkeit steigt durch Freiheit statt durch Regulierung und Verbote
Unternehmerische Freiheit ist ein wesentlicher Katalysator für innovative Ansätze zur Bewältigung ökologischer und sozialer Herausforderungen und zur Erreichung der nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele (SDGs).