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In the Media

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The difficulties of universal redistribution in times of welfare chauvinism
Matthias Diermeier / Judith Niehues in LSE-Blog Contribution 17. June 2022

The difficulties of universal redistribution in times of welfare chauvinism

Previous studies have found substantial support across Europe for the creation of a universal basic income system. Yet as Matthias Diermeier and Judith Niehues explain, there is also widespread support for restricting the access of immigrants to state benefits. Drawing on new research, they assess how these two perspectives shape wider attitudes toward welfare.


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In Search of a New World Order
Sigmar Gabriel and Michael Hüther in Newsletter RECAP from Atlantik-Brücke Contribution 30. May 2022

Foreign and security policy: In Search of a New World Order

Russia’s war against Ukraine will have consequences extending far beyond the European Union and our country’s security and defense policies. In fact, this war is the most visible and tragic proof to date that the world is in a dramatic process of change.


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Data economy and data spaces
Vera Demary im Liberal Europe Podcast Liberal Europe 8. April 2022

Data economy and data spaces

Data economy, data spaces, and economic and cybersecurity threats that arise from this kind of mass data collection are discussed by Ricardo Silvestre (Movimento Liberal Social) and IW-Head of Digitisation Research Vera Demary.


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The cyber spillovers of the Ukrainian war
Vera Demary at EURACTIV EURACTIV 4. March 2022

The cyber spillovers of the Ukrainian war

Cyberattacks are hardly limited to one country in an interconnected world. We discuss the impact of Russian cyberattacks against Ukraine on European companies with dr Vera Demary, head of digitalization at the German economic institute, and Iva Tasheva, cybersecurity consultant at CyEn.


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Protectionism is a dead-end street for Europe, climate neutrality is the key
Sandra Parthie at EURACTIV EURACTIV 9. February 2022

Protectionism is a dead-end street for Europe, climate neutrality is the key

Disruption, transition, transformation, structural change – Europeans today face several megatrends – climate change and the need to decarbonise our economies; digitalisation and the need to re-think workplace organisation; de-globalisation and the need to remain economically relevant, writes Sandra Parthie, Head of the IW Brussels Office.


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[Translate to Englisch:] IW-Digitalisierungsexpertin Vera Demary
Vera Demary at EURACTIV EURACTIV 25. October 2021

China’s digital policy and the impact on European businesses

China has pursued an aggressive agenda on a number of digital issues. IW digitization expert Vera Demary discusses China's strategy for regulating the technology sector and its impact on European companies with EURACTIV.


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The EU taxonomy can strengthen SMEs in the green transition
Finn Wendland on EurActiv Contribution 28. September 2021

The EU taxonomy can strengthen SMEs in the green transition

Small and medium-sized companies will remain exempt from new disclosure rules on the EU’s sustainable finance taxonomy starting in 2022. However corporate leaders would be well-advised to follow its implications, including SMEs, writes IW Climate Economist Finn Wendland.


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A Cloud of Uncertainty
Michael Hüther at the American Council on Germany Video 30. April 2021

A Cloud of Uncertainty

Despite great approval in parliament, the Federal Constitutional Court stopped the 750 billion Euro EU Corona Reconstruction Fund for the time being due to a constitutional complaint. In a video interview for ACGUSA, IW Director Michael Hüther discusses the consequences of this decision with economist Monika Schnitzer from the University of Munich.


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Michael Hüther, Director of the German Economic Institute
Michael Hüther at Markets Germany Interview 9. October 2020

Economic Outlook

What Germany's response to the corona crisis is and which direction the economy will take is answered by Michael Hüther, director of the German Economic Institute, in an interview with Markets Germany.


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The Independence of the Central Bank at Risk
Peter Bofinger/ Martin Hellwig / Michael Hüther / Monika Schnitzer / Moritz Schularick / Guntram Wolff in Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung Contribution 29. May 2020

The Independence of the Central Bank at Risk

The ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) on 5th May on the monetary policy of the ECB not only affects Germany's relationship with the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) but also the constitution of monetary policy, leading economists, including IW Director Michael Hüther, write in a joint guest article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.


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